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U.S. Soldiers Latest Equipment and Gadgets

U.S. Soldiers carry some of the most advanced equipment on the planet. These gadgets range from portable GPS receivers that allow Soldiers to easily navigate an area of operations to non-lethal laser devices that can safely stop a potential threat in its tracks.




The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) provides increased capability by incorporating image intensification and long-wave infrared sensors into a single, helmet-mounted passive device.

The ENVG combines the visual detail in low light conditions that is provided by image intensification with the thermal sensor’s ability to see through fog, dust, and foliage that obscure vision. This thermal capability makes the ENVG, unlike earlier night vision devices, useful during the day as well as at night. The ENVG allows Soldiers to rapidly detect and engage targets because it permits use of existing rifle-mounted aiming lights.

Several engineering enhancements to the ENVG improve its fit and function. For example, putting the battery pack on the rear of the helmet provides better balance and increases comfort as well as stability. The system is also designed to work with existing ballistic eye protection. In addition, the system is now more compact and easier to stow when not in use, which enhances the Soldier’s mobility.

 This dual-sensor night vision goggle has both thermal and non-thermal image intensifying capabilities. This system is equipped to handle any low-vision environment, including heavy rain, fog, snow, and smoke.



The Survival Kit Ready Access Modular (SKRAM) provides Soldiers with essential equipment and supplies during an escape-and-evade scenario. The kit includes life-support equipment, water, ammunition, a field sleeping system, water filters and sterilizers and other gear.

The Survival Kit, Ready Access, Modular (SKRAM) provides airworthy and readily accessible carriage for a 72-hour supply of life support and survival equipment in a flame-resistant, modular and configurable backpack.  The SKRAM consists of two Go Bags. One is issued per crew station and contains the Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) mandatory minimum survival gear for the geographic area including provisions for additional water. A second Go Bag is issued per individual crewmember and provides carriage for personal mission-specific survival gear including provisions for extra M4 ammunition and the Army’s Modular Sleep System.



The Modular Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment (MOLLE) is a specialized carrier that holds all of a Soldier’s mission-essential items. MOLLE system consists of several modular components. It allows the Soldier to carry tactical combat gear in the most effective manner for lethality and survivability on the battlefield.

The modularity of the system allows the Soldier’s load to be set. It consists of a fighting load carrier that attaches to releasable body armor known as the tactical assault panel. The TAP has permanent pockets for six magazines, a Soldier radio and GPS. The webbing on the front of the TAP allows for attachment of any MOLLE pouch that a Soldier’s kit may need.

The rifleman set also includes the 2,000 cubic-inch Assault Pack for short missions and the various MOLLE pouches. Other specialty sets include the grenadier, squad automatic weapon, pistolman and medic sets.

The MOLLE medium ruck set consists of a 3,000 cubic-inch rucksack designed with a suspension that is compatible with the rear ballistic plate of body armor. The medium ruck can transport a Soldier’s mission essential gear for up to a 72-hour mission.

A large ruck set consists of the 4,000 cubic-inch MOLLE large rucksack which carries the Soldier’s sustainment load over long duration missions.




These devices, which can be tripod-mounted or handheld, provide and analyze target data.

If you are a soldier on the ground who needs to know the exact location of an enemy target, you could turn to our Target Reconnaissance Infrared Geolocating Rangefinder system. The TRIGR system is a compact, lightweight, mission-critical device that gives you the ability to identify target locations while on foot — even those more than two miles away.
Using infrared, laser-based technology, the system works in daylight or at night, and in obscured-visibility conditions, such as fog or smoke. In a single, handheld package, it allows friendly forces to know the exact location of enemy targets, in order to effectively engage them with minimal collateral damage. The TRIGR system is also rugged and can adapt to a variety of missions.
The system was developed to meet the U.S. Army’s requirements for a handheld, laser-based target locating device. The rangefinder was then selected by the Army under its Laser Target Locator Module (LTLM) program. We were awarded the LTLM contract and began hardware deliveries in 2010. In the ensuing years, our deliveries met all fielding requirements, and more importantly, the warfighters it supported reported successful field performance results.
An important part of the fielding requirements for LTLM was to complete testing at several military locations to ensure the system would be effective in all types of theater environments. The cold-region testing was conducted at Ft. Greely, Alaska, which presented the team with some interesting challenges.
“Being in Alaska in the middle of winter, the weather can be harsh and unpredictable,” said Jason Boucher, customer test equipment systems engineer. “There are only about five hours of sunlight, and we experienced 45 mph winds on some days and 40-degree-below temperatures on other days. But knowing the importance of this product to the soldiers, we managed to collect the data needed to ensure our product was ready for fielding.”
We have provided more than 5,000 TRIGR systems to the Army since 2010. Even after newer solutions are introduced, the TRIGR systems in the field will likely remain in use until 2035 and beyond. While final deliveries of this important equipment recently concluded, the company is now aiming for further success with the system.
“When it was introduced, TRIGR was the first targeting system of its kind to combine the functions of several individual pieces of equipment that soldiers previously had to carry separately into a single, lightweight package,” said Dave Richards, manager of Targeting Programs at BAE Systems. “As advanced as this TRIGR system is, in the last four years, we’ve made tremendous technology advances that position us to continue to develop and manufacture the next-generation targeting solutions and provide unmatched reconnaissance and targeting capabilities to the dismounted warfighter.”



The microclimate cooling system reduces heat stress to helicopter crewmembers, especially while they are wearing chemical and biological protective equipment in hot weather.

Vehicle Compressor Cooling System (BCCS), also called Microclimate Cooling System, is made up of Liquid Chiller and Liquid Cooling Vest, using chilled water as coolant. Mini pump circulates cold water from Liquid chiller to cooling vest and continuously flow around the body, this will keep the user cool and comfort at hot condition. Liquid chiller delivers 250-360W cooling what uses vehicle power, vehicle absorber base is available.
Applications: Military, Vehicle crew, Tank crew, Helicopter pilot, Fighter Pilot, Naval ship, Racing Car Driver, Vehicle Driver etc.

  • Liquid Chiller: 24V, Max 10A
  • Cooling Capacity: 250-360W
  • Pump: 24V 
  • Weight: 8kg
  • Liquid Temperature Control: 60-75F
  • Connector: CPC/LT quick fitting
Key Features:
  •  Vehicle assemble system, need no Ice support
  • Compact design, light weight and small size
  • Vehicle or Aero absorber base
  • Full Control of system operation
  • Liquid Cooling Vest washable with laundry bag


The Green Laser Interdiction System (GLIS) is a rifle-mounted laser that allows the operator to stop hostile actions safely, without discharging a weapon. It can divert, disrupt or delay potential threats before they can engage friendly forces. It is also an effective, non-lethal means to warn civilians that they are approaching a zone of military operations.

The Green Laser Interdiction System is designed to deny access into/out of an area to individuals, move individuals through an area, and suppress individuals. This technology has the potential to support multiple missions including:

  • Force protection
  • Checkpoints
  • Maritime ports/security zones
  • Entry control points
  • Deny, move, and suppress individuals on foot/operating vessel

The Green Laser Interdiction System is a rifle-mounted/hand-held laser that allows interdiction of potential hostile actions through non-lethal effects and is interchangeable between host weapon platforms. Effective non-lethal means to inform civilians they are approaching military operations with visible effects 0-300 m. This ocular impairment weapon is handheld, but can be mounted on a rifle or crew served weapon.